le 23 novembre

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In math we corrected our practice exercises from Thursday.  I did a few more practice activities with them to highlight the strategy we use for estimating. Students completed lesson 1 in their chapter review math booklet.

In language arts I introduced our second round of rotations for our novel Number the Stars based on chapters 5-8.  The students completed two rotations today. The rotations include word work, sketch a prediction, reader’s response (journal entry), and writing a postcard to papa.

The class had gym today.

In health, Ms. Morgan came to our room to do a lesson with the students on social-emotional health and discussing the different emotions we feel.

Digital flyers for the month of November are now available on Scholastic website. Please order early to ensure delivery for Christmas.

English – https://editions.mydigitalpublication.com/publication/?i=678106

French – https://editions.mydigitalpublication.com/publication/?i=678107

Messages/ Reminders:
*reading in French 15-20 minutes
*Vocabulary Practice – due Nov. 27th
*School Picture Day! – Nov. 25th
*Scholastic orders- (Class Code RC155902)

À mardi,

Mme Newman

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