le 26 mai

250+ Wednesday Sayings and Quotes to push thought the week - The Saying  Quotes

Today in math we corrected our exercises using long division on the board.  While the majority of the class seems to have a good understanding of this strategy; there are some students who are still having some difficulty with it.  We did many more examples on the board today.  I gave the students some extra practice exercises today to reinforce this strategy.  Repeated practice of the steps will help.  Students are also conferencing with each other and helping each other.  Please sit with your child and help him/ her with long division.  Our final evaluation on division will be Tuesday, June 1.

In social studies we read and discussed how the Inuit people make decisions within their society.

In sciences the students worked in their groups.  Some are still doing research and others have started to enter their information in Google slides for their group presentation.

In language arts we are continuing to read through our read aloud of our fractured fairy tale Rapunzel.  Today we read chapters 12-15. The students are enjoying the story as it is being told from two different perspectives and it contains elements of a fairy tale like a castle, a prince, a witch and a troll.

Messages/ Reminders:
*reading in French 15-20 minutes
*mathé – worksheet
*Fundraiser pledge sheets and funds are now due

À demain,
Mme Newman

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