le 3 novembre

Image result for fall tuesday"

Today in math we reviewed volume again as a whole class.  The students used linking cubes to construct prisms with a square base to help them understand and determine the volume of a 3 dimensional figure.  We will continue with volume tomorrow. 

In language arts we have started another read aloud.  We are reading Number the Stars.  Before beginning our reading, the students completed a journal response in anticipation of what to expect in this read aloud. We also read chapter 1 today.

The class had music today.

In social studies we reviewed the four major eras that historians use when referring to the past: Pre-history, Ancient, Middle Ages and Modern.

There is no vocabulary work this week as students should spend the time completing their book reports that are due Thursday, Nov. 5th.

Please note that I sent home a number of other assessments to be signed with your child yesterday. This is a sample of some of the work that your child has completed this year.  Please sign and return these assessments with your child.

Mark your calendar! School picture day is Wednesday, Nov. 25th!

Please practice multiplication facts with your child. This is an important skill for continuing in math in grade 5. The link below offers a variety of multiplication practice games that your child can practice daily at home.


Speaking French daily is an essential component of the French immersion curriculum. Students require constant reminders in class to speak French. I have spoken with the class about the importance of speaking French in class when conversing with me and their peers. Please discuss this with your child as continuing to speak English in class can negatively impact their speaking grade on their first term report.

Messages/ Reminders:
*reading in French 15-20 minutes
*Assessments – signed and returned
*School Picture Day! – Nov. 25th
*Flu vaccinations permission forms – Nov. 6th
*Book Reports- due Nov. 5th.
*Scholastic orders- (Class Code RC155902)

À demain,

Mme Newman

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